Clotted Cream, Heavy Cake.

Heavy Cake is one of those British regional bakes defined more by its origin story than necessarily how it tastes. I've sampled it in the UK and tried different recipes at home, and each had a different taste and texture. One from a bakery in Port Isaac was sweet, slightly spongy and, well, like a [...]

Oatmeal cream pies

Like much of my baking, this project stemmed from a surfeit of buttercream leftover from a previous adventure. Also, my never-ending search for a decent soft and chewy oatmeal cookie, a feat I've still yet to achieve. While these oatmeal cream pies turned out pretty well (and not so cloyingly sweet as their name brand [...]

Orange Pound Cake (for Nat’l Pound Cake Day)

Apologies, first of all. I've been coping with less than ideal circumstances for baking lately and so have a touch of hiatus. Namely, a housemate who thinks the kitchen--the sacred hearth from which we feed ourselves--is a smoking den. It is, decidedly, not. But what can one reasonably do with the unreasonable? And by "unreasonable," I mean someone [...]

1912 Scones

Titanic has been in the news a lot lately. New evidence suggests a coal fire on board played a more significant role than originally thought. It started spontaneously (as coal fires do, apparently) before Titanic began her maiden voyage in a three-story coal bunker abutting the hull, right where the ship later struck ice. This [...]